Tagged: Tools

Groupworks Card Deck

Last night at the Victorian Facilitators Network I was introduced to the Groupworks Deck of cards. Each card discusses a pattern that is often present in groups and gives a description of that pattern along with links to other related patterns.

Some of the 91 patterns include:

  • Moving toward alignment
  • Purpose
  • Letting Go
  • Embrace Dissonance
  • Aesthetics of Space
  • Taking Responsibility
  • All Grist for the Mill

They are grouped into 9 Pattern Categories:

  1. Intention
  2. Context
  3. Relationship
  4. Flow Creativity
  5. Perspective
  6. Modelling
  7. Inquiry & Synthesis
  8. Faith

They look like an interesting tool to help groups and facilitators to appreciate the richness of the spectrum of what can be going on in any group. The cards are available for sale at www.groupworksdeck.org or can be downloaded in pdf form.